National Center for Construction Education and Research/ Accredited Training UnitNCCER/ATU
Introduction to the Plumbing Profession Module Overview This module introduces trainees to the plumbing profession. Trainees will become familiar with the tasks and responsibilities of professionals in the construction industry. Objectives Upon completion of this module, the trainee will be able to do the following: 1. Describe the history of the plumbing profession. 2. Identify the responsibilities of a person working in the plumbing industry. 3. State the personal characteristics of a professional. 4. Identify the stages of progress within the plumbing profession and its positive impact on society. 5. Identify how green technology is incorporated into plumbing. Performance Tasks This is a knowledge-based module; there are no performance tasks. Materials and Equipment Module 02101-12 Computer Plumbing Level One PowerPoint® Presentation Slides (ISBN 978-0-13-292164-0) Markers/chalk Pencils and paper Whiteboard/chalkboard Appropriate personal protective equipment Copies of your local code Latest edition of the International Plumbing Code (IPC) Latest edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) Latest edition of the National Standard Plumbing Code (NSPC) Module Examinations*
Core Curriculum is included in level1 it can be completed at anytime during the program.
Open/Rolling application process.